Invited Speakers

Dr. Micaela Matta

Micaela’s work leverages molecular simulations to explore the structure-properties of conducting polymers and bioinspired materials for applications in biosensors and bioelectronics.

She obtained her master’s and PhD at the University of Bologna, and held postdoctoral appointments at the University of Bordeaux and Northwestern University. In 2019, she joined the University of Liverpool as the awardee of a Royal Society Newton International Fellowship and a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship.

Click here for more information.

Dr. Lucas Foppa

Lucas has worked at the Fritz Haber Institute since March 2019. His research is focused on heterogenous catalysis using density functional theory, symbolic regression and subgroup discovery.

Click here for more information.

Cas van der Oord

Cas is a research assistant at the University of Cambridge. His research develops machine learning interatomic potentials using the atomic cluster expansion.

Click here for more information.